Located at the first stop of Hong-Qiao Transportation Hub that connects the Yangzi River Delta, the Hong-Qiao-Tian-Di Mixed-use development will gradually become a new urban landmark in Shanghai. Lot D17 and D19 is planned to built with offices, exhibits, shopping, multifunctional theatre and hotel etc.
The Star-ship multifunctional theatre, as the landmark building of Hong-Qiao hub, strengthens the interrelationship between D17, D19 public space and D18 green space. The underground space of D17、D19 streets is integrated with underground two of HongQiao station, which also get through the first floor underground of Shao Hong Road central axis, achieving the underground connection of north and south street. The community is greatly mixed in program. In this way, it is possible to maximum the mixture of functions, offer a pleasant scale, increase public space on ground and underground as well as enhance the community sense of identity and belonging.
Light wells and green roof gardens are also largely introduced in the design, to achieve low carbon purpose while improving the environment quality. A rich layer of volumes can be read from the plan, where taller buildings distribute around the periphery, forming a better microclimate, and creating closer connections between public spaces and public transportations.
Collaboration work with BWSS team, Image courtesy of BWSS